Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who harms us? Who has power?

Who doesn't want American to succeed? Today, we consider if that list includes Republicans, Bailed-Out Banks and The Pentagon. 

Today's Republicans?

A former leader of the Christian Right has issued a truly scathing and blistering critique to the Republican Party, calling them "anti-American" and a "fifth column" in the country for their efforts to "sabotage" national economic recovery.

Calling Republicans "arsonists" who are trying to burn down the country, said Schaeffer...

"You do nothing constructive, just try to hinder the one person willing and able to fix the mess," Schaeffer wrote. "Today, no actual conservative can be a Republican. Reagan would despise today's wholly negative Republican Party. And can you picture the gentlemanly and always polite Ronald Reagan, endorsing a radio hate-jock slob who crudely mocked a man with Parkinson's and who now says he wants an American president to fail?!"

Note: This is not a wholesale endorsement of democrats, by any means. To generalize, the republicans got us into this mess and are now trying to sabotage efforts to get us out, but many democrats did nothing to stop them for many years and in many ways, especially from a distance, especially with things related to foreign policy and an ever-expanding government, the parties can seem nearly identical.

Bailed-out Banks:

Taxpayer-bailed-out banks squandered billions, froze loans to US taxpayers and gave them to foreign companies.

Rather than using federal bailout money to reinvigorate lending to consumers, some banks that received funds from TARP have spent it on questionable items that have done little to improve the health of the country’s financial sector but have certainly helped out foreign economies such as Dubai and China.

For instance, Citigroup Inc, which received $50 billion in Troubled Asset Relief Program funds, made an $8 billion December loan, not to an American entity, but to a Dubai public sector company, according to a newly released Monday memo by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), chairman of the House Domestic Policy Subcommittee.

The Pentagon: The Pentagon knowingly exposed troops to toxic chemicals while claiming they were safe.

Who has caused us more harm, Al Qaeda or Republicans? Al Qaeda or Banks? Al Qaeda or the worst side of the military industry?

Why do they all hate America?

The NSA has too much power in the US.

What about Saudi Arabia or Israel?

Jubilation was heard in Tel Aviv as Haaretz, the Israeli daily, boasted November 6th: "Obama kick-starts transition, picks Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff."

Best known for his fundraising prowess among wealthy Jewish Democrats, the naming of Emanuel as the first presidential appointment echoes Sarah Palin's famous one-liner, "I love Israel." That claim was voiced in her vice-presidential debate with Joe Biden who is featured on a YouTube video famously proclaiming, "I am a Zionist."

In sharp contrast to Obama's claim that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake, Emanuel claims he would do it again today. As chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, he directed party funds to pro-invasion candidates and recruited candidates to oppose anti-war Democrats.

Known in Washington as an outspoken pro-Israel hardliner, he joins Speaker Nancy Pelosi in bringing to the Middle East peace process a record of support for Tel Aviv's targeted assassinations of Palestinian political leaders. ("Pelosi supports Israel's attacks on Hamas group," San Francisco Chronicle, June 14, 2003).

Your Job:

Reduce the power of that which harms us. Discuss the power openly (without inducing hatred or violence). What gives people or organizations power? How do they keep it? How much turnover occurs from year to year with power -- with individuals? families? institutions? groups of people? What power do you have?

I apologize for the blog being down this past week -- a very good friend of mine died. Have a great Tuesday! :)


  1. FDIC is broke:

