Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cheney ordered suicides

Defense intelligence was running an assasination ring that reported directly to Dick Cheney.

"It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on," Hersh stated. "Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us."

Stories have been coming out about covert Pentagon assassination squads for the last several years. In 2003, Hersh himself reported on Task Force 121, which operated chiefly out of the Joint Special Operations Command. Others stories spoke of a proposed Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group, which sought to draw out terrorists by having the US involved in creating terrorism.

Most people know that Vice President Dick Cheney is former CEO of Halliburton, which makes billions of dollars a year from oil and primarily defense-related construction contracts (and that war and chaos increase Halliburton's profits, which in turn increase the value of Cheney's stock options)...

Many people know that Cheney was a congressman from Wyoming. Some even know that he was one of the founders of the Project for a New American Century. Well-read people know that the Project for a New American Century, in turn, called for a new American empire well before 9/11, and lamented that, without a "catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor", transformation of America into an empire would be very slow.

But even well-informed people probably don't know that -- in the 70's -- Cheney was instrumental in generating fake intelligence exaggerating the Soviet threat in order to undermine coexistence between the U.S. and Soviet Union, which conveniently justified huge amounts of cold war spending. See also this article. This scheme foreshadowed Mr. Cheney's role in generating fake intelligence in Iraq by 30 years.

And did you know that Cheney has been perhaps the leading advocate for strengthening the powers of the White House to the point of monarchy for at least 20 years?

Have you heard that Cheney has been instrumental in creating and practicing Continuity of Gvernment measures for the last 20 years or so. These "COG" measures -- which were implemented on 9/11 -- could lead to the destruction of the Constitution, the virtual disbanding of Congress, and the loss of the American form of government.

Or that newly-released documents show that Cheney was involved in debates concerning illegal wiretaps 30 years ago?

Did you catch that the former director of the CIA accused Cheney of overseeing American torture policies ? Or that Colin Powell's former chief of staff stated that Dick Cheney is guilty of war crimes for his role in facilitating torture?

And, according to to the Pulitzer prize-winning reporter who uncovered the Iraq prison torture scandal and the massacre against Vietnamese civilians, Cheney is the main guy helping to fund groups which the U.S. claims are terrorists (see confirming articles here and here)

And guess who is the prime architect of efforts to bomb Iran? Yup, Mr. Cheney (see also this article).

To recap, Cheney's past includes:

• Oil

• Defense

• Faking intelligence and using scare tactics about enemies to justify a pre-planned military agenda

• Lobbying to give the president the powers of the king

• Calling for an American empire and lamenting the lack of a "new Pearl Harbor"

• Police state type wiretapping

• Selling war

• Promoting torture

• Funding Al-Qaeda

Did all of these aspects of Mr. Cheney's background converge in the Iraq debacle? Well, a top official at the State Department stated there was a secret "cabal" involving Cheney, and that Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the country's foreign policy.

Did they converge on 9/11?

Your Job:

Research and Educate. There are many reasons why people tend not to know what's really going on, including but not limited to, they:

- don't want to know

- don't have time to find out

- don't want to stand out or be ridiculed

- get their news from major corporate news sources, who don't report on everything or "drive home" the more important stories.

When information is less taboo to discuss, it's easier to for people to discuss it. Seymour Hersh has an excellent track record of reporting otherwise unreported information about the Pentagon and intelligence services. Over the years he has developed great sources inside the government. Maybe he's wrong this time. Maybe not. Is not an assassination squad run by the ex-vice president or anyone under US law something to be concerned about? There were a lot of mysterious deaths, all called suicides, during the Bush administration. Is it time we look back at them? Do folks even remember them?

Mr. Cheney, why do YOU hate America? Power & profit, no?

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Go Fuck Yourself, Dick Cheney.

    What is the over/under these guys did Wellstone? Or the Italian journalist in Iraq? or Bhutto?

  2. What was it that Bhutto said a bit before she died, about OBL? That he was dead maybe? I can't remember.

  3. Or the DC Madam....or Bruce Ivins.....
