Sunday, March 22, 2009

"WE have to change"

One reader (BlankPhotog) makes some excellent points and suggestions:

"Obama is a necessary shift away from the Bushites, but he's still safely ensconced in the politics of a self-perpetuating two-party system that's built on the bubble of an ever-growing economy by-any-means-necessary. I happen to like Obama. But for America to reap the benefits of change, WE have to change. And to some extent that's an unreasonable expectation. Real, sustainable change would be a shock to everything about how we live, our expectations of the future for ourselves and our children, and what we must do to survive. Historically we don't handle such shocks well as human beings or as Americans. We overreact. We underreact. We point fingers and switch parties, and the system remains the same, or on the same disastrous course.

A President reacting to the real crises we have been facing for the last 15-20 years would have had more of a chance to fix and prevent problems than Obama will have. My expectations for Obama are few, as a result...

We need to fire the economic system that supports and defends private profit at public cost. "

Your Job:
It's Suggestion Sunday. What do you suggest we do?

1 comment:

  1. Great points -- Not only do we need to change our lifestyles, we need to find a way to have more leverage over this government that tells us one thing while doing another. I used to say that the only thing Americans would ever rebel against is high prices. I guess that's not even true. Our trajectory is down. My opinion is that Barack Obama is one of the ONLY hopes in government -- the best person with the most power in government -- it's just that, again, the president doesn't have as much power as we might think, and as you said, these problems have been compiling for years.
