Thursday, March 19, 2009


Obama's Treasury Department pushed to allow the executive bonuses.

Homeland Security has internment camps for protesters.

Wayne Madsen was arrested:
"In the eight years of the Bush-Cheney administration, I covered anti-war protests in Washington and never once did I face an arrest situation, although there were some close calls. My arrest-free journalism record was shattered last night in Alexandria, Virginia, while meeting a confidential source.

I hoped to report today on a significant link between “Sir” Allen Stanford’s collapsed Stanford Financial Group and a top Democratic Party lobbyist who is close to the Obama administration. I also hoped to report on the covert activities of Stanford’s operations in Venezuela and Panama."
Still no torture indictments from Obama admin


  1. Feel free to steal this article and delete the comment, Mark...

  2. Great article BlankPhotog, thanks. This is a correction, not a depression/recession. I'll quote the article in tomorrow's entry.
