Saturday, March 21, 2009

Know Thy Disaster Capitalism

Oil prices rose when two US navy vessels collided. 

"The book and film, THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, argue that the free market policies of Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics have risen to prominence in countries such as Chile under Pinochet, Russia under Yeltsin, the United States (for example in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina), and the privatization of Iraq's economy under the Coalition Provisional Authority not because they were democratically popular, but because they were pushed through while the citizens of these countries were reacting to disasters or upheavals. It is implied that some of these shocks, such as the Falklands war, may have been created with the intention of being able to push through these unpopular reforms in the wake of the crisis.

Disaster Capitalists Reap Profits

The rise of disaster capitalism

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