Friday, February 27, 2009

Got work?


Stimulus Packages:

Economies hit:

Debt Rises:


An Ontario judge has ordered a party to a civil litigation case arising from a motor vehicle accident to hand over the contents of their private Facebook profile. Importantly, the judge ruled that "a party who maintains a private, or limited access, Facebook profile stands in no different position than one who sets up a publicly-available profile." The judge seems to have arrived at that conclusion based on her understanding of Facebook.

Note: Yesterday I made an erroenous statement about Nancy Pelosi that was up for about 4 hours. I took it down when I realized it was errenoous. I'm sorry for the error. If you ever catch me posting an error, please let me know. Accuracy should be important to all of us.

Your Job:

Try to find work for someone you know that needs it. Remember this one not just for today. Unemployment and inflation are both going to continue to rise. We're going to need each other's help.

1 comment:

  1. I like the big, blue bailout dots. As I read them it looks like two things are true: 1. the bailout is rather a larger proportion of GDP than I quite understood. 2. the US is not alone in thinking that's the move called for - at least the UK is doing something similar.

    It also reminds me of a factoid I unearthed the other day and incorporated into my FB status this way:

    "Re: The myth of WWII and the Great Depression: Almost 44% of US GDP was Federal Spending, 1943-44. Could THAT have countered the Depression?"

    Seems like the end of the GD may heave come when a rather sizable proportion of GDP was being spent by the govt.

    Fingers crossed.

    PS. you can find me that job now...
