Sunday, February 1, 2009

Suggestion Sunday

The News
Banks closed in Florida, Maryland and Utah

Chase CEO: "God knows, some really stupid things were done by American banks.” But where was Washington?

Taxpayers could give $4Trillion to banks.

Richest 400 got much richer during Bush administration

Israel to attack Iran within a month, no wait.

In the meantime, Israel promises to overreact locally

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal goes to Iran to discuss this.

Israel urged not to fear Obama

Obama's Vietnam is to be Afghanistan

Hold up the change machine, rendition is still alive.

(Anonymous) is the 218,378th person to join the cause Honor our Fallen Soldiers.

Your Job
Promote this blog -- isn't saving the world like making a good meal? You just want others to try it and to appreciate it. :) Please give me feedback or make suggestions if you have any -- saving the world via a blog should be at least be somewhat engaging or entertaining.

But most importantly for the mission, SUGGEST something for all of us to do! :) Happy Sunday nation.

1 comment:

  1. well my friend and I are leaving tomorrow to work with habitat in New Orleans, I am sure they can always use more work there..Will report when I get back.
