Monday, February 9, 2009

Stimulate Debate

Marc Faber: "US will default on debt or enter hyperinflation"

Man gets tortured in Gitmo for reading Rolling Stone satirical article.

Your Job:
Debate Obama's stimulus plan.

Alleged "Fiscal conservatives" who were just fine with Bush's massive government spending on corrupt overseas contracts are now calling Obama's plan to spend money on US healthcare, US education and US infrastructure, wasteful spending.

Government spending programs have a way of becoming ineffective or counter-productive cottage industries -- the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on terror. Government borrowing makes our dollar worth less through inflation. The two largest spending programs recently have been the Iraq occupation and the counter-productive War on Terror. How can we afford these counter-productive initiatives while neglecting our own health, education and infrastructure?

Can we afford to spend more? Can we afford not to? Are we able to think beyond tax cuts?


  1. Gitmo keeps us safe from the readers of Rolling Stone.

    In the upcoming film Watchmen, Nixon is still President.

    P. K. Dick (the sci-fi writer most turned into film, even if you only count his credits) called it the Iron Prison. Invisibly it surrounds us all. He said:

    "Rome never fell. The Empire never ended."

    Who will deliver me from this pizza of death?

  2. Satirists, musicians, artists, filmmakers, etc., have just not caught up yet to these absurdities. Life became more surreal than art and we're STILL, as a society as a whole, sleepwalking through it!
