Saturday, January 31, 2009

Start it Up and Cut it Out

The News

A counter-productive and overly expensive program appears to be ending:
RIP: The War on for Terror

Many thought that we were simply in a new kind of war, one where the enemy didn't wear a uniform. They didn't however question that the methods we were employing would foster more terrorism, not less. Terrorism increased dramatically worldwide during the War on Terror. Critics of the War on Terror were said to be appeasing terrorists but it was the War on Terror that was appeasing terrorists. Our policies rallied the recruitment of radicals. Did anyone have that as their intent? The War on Terror was a hugely profitable business operation.

Terrorism is a real problem, but what we were doing wasn't aimed at actually reducing it.

Spain caves into Israel, says it will amend war crimes law so that it does not apply to Israelis.

The Defense Department is launching an end run at a draft, without going through Congress?

World's Business Leaders Unable to Stop the Correction

Governments across Europe tremble as angry people take to the streets

Is a revolution starting in Europe?

The start of a CULTURAL revolution worldwide might be a good thing. Governments seem to have abandoned good government in favor of serving a minority of financially elite.

The EU aims to swallow Iceland

46 Of 50 States Could File Bankruptcy In 2009-2010

Maybe executives receiving taxpayer bailouts target=_NEW>should have their pay capped at $400K instead of the $18B in bonuses they received?

Over 90% of all E-Mails are spam and computer attacks


"There are some people in the administration who are not enamored of infrastructure" (Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) re: the fate of mass transit in the stimulus bill.)

"Harvard had it right" (Pete DeFazio re: Larry Summers being expelled from Harvard's presidency in wake of a scandal over women's intellectual abilities)

Your Job:
Start something good, end something bad.

We can improve the world by starting with ourselves. You don't have to end the war on terror or start a cultural revolution to change the world. Maybe you have a bad habit that negatively impacts others? Maybe you can start spending 15 extra seconds engaging the corner store salesperson in a conversation on world politics to hear some new viewpoints. You choose what to do, but cut something out and bring something in.

:) Have a great weekend nation!

1 comment:

  1. Start something good, end something bad.
    This is my objective for 2009, but I had not thought about it in terms of government/politics.
