Saturday, April 4, 2009

Look over there

If the attacks on 9/11 were allowed to happen or if the severity of the attacks were augmented, wouldn't scientists be able to demonstrate that?

Scientists insinuate the WTC towers came down from secondary explosions.
A team of nine scientists have released a startling new report on the events of 9/11, using data from dust gathered in the days and weeks after the towers came down. They discovered that scattered throughout the dust samples were red and gray chips of 'active thermitic material', or an un-reacted pyrotechnic explosive.
Banks Knowingly Allowed Fraud, Geithner Covering UP
In an explosive interview on PBS' Bill Moyers Journal, William K. Black, a professor of economics and law with the University of Missouri, alleged that American banks and credit agencies conspired to create a system in which so-called "liars loans" could receive AAA ratings and zero oversight, amounting to a massive "fraud" at the epicenter of US finance.
Your Job:
Tell ME what to do. These are two huge stories, but why won't they affect us?

1 comment:

  1. ingest this...

    and happy Opening Day.
