Tuesday, February 10, 2009

US Taxpayers, Organized Crime and Foreign Banks?

Organized crime is buying up the banks, with your help of course. Bush's record spending plans helped banks, Iraq war contractors and War on Terror contractors. Maybe republicans are opposed to the Obama plan because it helps ordinary Americans.
"You have the supply — an organized crime industry with enormous amounts of cash, estimated at $322 billion in 2005, not any more stored in banks — and the demand, a banking sector strapped for liquidity."

"I insist that the (globalized) crime industry has become so gigantic, destabilizing so many countries, that it is emerging in areas where we have not seen it before. They're buying more than just industry, real estate, elections, power." (Antonio Maria Costa of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime)

Bernie Madoff was a mob front, his money is now in middle-east banks and organized crime is the world's #1 business. Do you know the bosses?

Congress has no idea where the money is going.

“We’ve seen money go out the back door of this government unlike any time in the history of our country. Nobody knows what went out of the Federal Reserve Board, to whom and for what purpose. How much from the FDIC? How much from TARP? When? Why?” (Senator Byron Dorgan - D)

Bush handed out $3K a day jobs afte Obama was elected.

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that if Joe Lieberman ran for a fifth term in 2012 against Connecticut's Dem Attorney General he would lose 58% to 30%.

Your Job:
Call Congress. Tell them you want more of your taxpayer money working for you, not organized crime-backed banks. Tell them that the recovery/stimulus bill should create jobs and improve our health, education and infrastructure, not overseas companies, foreign powers or crime networks. And most importantly, tell them to figure out how to oversee what they're doing.

You can reach any Congress-person via the Congress switchboard at 202.224.3121

Have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. perhaps everyone was busy calling their people, no time to write!!I emailed mine.!!
